Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wisdom for the Wife - 6

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Law of Kindness
(Proverbs 31:25-27)

The sexes, it seems, have characteristic “besetting” sins. Men, for example, frequently struggle with anger and temper issues. Properly dealt with, the short fuse can be lengthened by God’s grace. Women, too, have their sin issues. Perhaps most proverbially prominent among woman are besetting sins of the tongue. Put another way, women are just plain catty (sometimes).

The virtuous woman, however, regulates her speech with a hard-and-fast rule—a “law,” if you will—the law of kindness. As a regulation, kindness dictates the virtuous woman’s communication with others. Now mind you, the law of kindness doesn’t restrict what she thinks, only what she says. Though her thoughts are her own (and, husbands, thank God you can’t read her mind!) her tongue conforms to the rule of kindness—sometimes through clenched teeth! You see, the virtuous woman understands that words, once said, can never really be taken back. She frequently chides the children, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say it at all;” and she lives by her own advice.

So, what will it be, ladies? Which will prevail, kindness or cattiness? Will you be remembered as sweet or sour? Place your tongue “under arrest” if it has violated the law of kindness!