Friday, February 13, 2009

Help for the Husband - 4

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sensitivity Training
(I Samuel 1:1-8)

Biblical masculinity requires that men be both tough and tender at the same time. It should be noted that “tender” has nothing to do with a man’s “getting in touch with his feminine side.” That’s weird. Biblical tenderness involves a man’s sensitivity to those around him, particularly his wife.

Elkanah demonstrates just such Biblical sensitivity. Though not a stellar husbandly example in some ways (plural marriage was condemned by God—Deut. 17:17—though widely practiced), Elkanah exemplified tender sensitivity to his wife’s concerns.

Elkanah noticed Hannah’s emotional distress. Sensitivity begins with a husband noticing his wife’s mood swings. Men can be so self-consumed as to not even notice their wife’s heartache. Being oblivious to your wife’s hurt compounds her pain.

Also, Elkanah inquired as to the cause of Hannah’s distress. In other words, he showed genuine interest. He didn’t merely brush her emotions aside by telling her to “get over it.” He was genuinely interested in the root cause of her anguish. If your wife is sorrowful, tenderly inquire about the problem.

Lastly, Elkanah gave her reassurance. Hannah’s trouble was not so much her barrenness. The primary problem was insecurity—the feeling that her husband could not love her as much because she was childless. Elkanah generously reassured her of his love. Tough and tender—what a guy!