Friday, February 13, 2009

Help for the Husband - 5

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Standards, Please!
(Psalm 101)

Satan has focused his attack upon the Christian home. Subtly, he has made inroads unthinkable just a few short years ago. He has been aided in his efforts by the complacency of believers, particularly by men who have abdicated their responsibility to protect their homes.

Psalm 101 is a declaration of a man determined to protect the sanctity of his home from Satanic influence. The Psalmist understands and readily accepts his responsibility resist the devil. The Psalmist’s strategy will still work for us today.

First, the Psalmist committed to keeping his heart right with God (2). He determined to model wise, Scriptural behavior. He also determined that his “perfect heart” would be most apparent within the confines of his home. He would not be a hypocrite, reserving his best behavior for the church house.

Secondly, he determined to set standards for the influences allowable in his home. “I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes” is his determined declaration. In other words, the Psalmist would not tolerate the presence and influence of visual corruption.

His intolerance is more apropos today than ever! Christian men should adhere to the Psalmist’s standard regarding T.V., movies, video games, and computer use. Draw the line and keep it drawn!