Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wisdom for the Wife - 3

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Working Woman
(Proverbs 31:13-19)

Rather than being shunned, the Bible depicts hard work as one of the greatest blessings of life. In our luxury mad society, work has, for some, become a dirty word. In fact, some folks work at avoiding work! Such should never be the attitude of a Christian woman.

Consider, for example, the Proverbs 31 gal: She worked willingly with wool and flax, crafting material necessities for her household (13). She practiced sound principles of home economics when grocery shopping (14). She was not a “sleepy head,” but rather arose before dawn to prepare a hearty, country breakfast (15). (Can I get an “Amen,” guys?)

In addition to domestic duties, she had honed her skills as a sharp business negotiator, closing significant deals to the profit of her household (16). In other words, she could function effectively both in the home and in the “real world.” You must admit, she’s quite a gal!

“How,” you ask, “did she get so good?” The answer is simple, but in our day undesirable: she worked at it. It took work to learn to weave; it took discipline to get up early; it took effort to shop efficiently; and it took devotion to fix that hearty, country breakfast. She did it all—and more—by the simple, old-fashioned, oft-derided virtue known as work! Be a working woman!