Friday, February 13, 2009

Help for the Husband - 1

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Servant Leadership
(Matthew 20:20-28)

Leadership is a primary responsibility for every husband (Ephesians 5:23). As the head of his wife, the husband must take the lead in matters both spiritual and temporal. Being the leader, however, does not mean being autocratic and dictatorial—far from it. In Biblical terms, leadership always means serving—being a servant, not a tyrant.

Jesus set the ultimate example of servant leadership. Even though He was both Son of God and Son of Man, He did not insist upon His inherent “rights.” Rather, Jesus “ministered” to those who should have bowed before Him. As God, Jesus is the ultimate “leader;” but He demonstrated leadership by serving others.

I have on my office wall a painting to which I look several times each day. The painting depicts Jesus washing Peter’s feet (John 13:4-10). As I gaze upon the artist’s sublime representation of that scene, I am reminded that my duty as pastor is not dictator, tyrant, or demagogue. My duty is service—humble, self-abasing service that is willing to do the dirty work.

Husbands, Christ is your example as well. He denied Himself the privileges that were rightly His to claim as the Son of God. Perfect holiness stooped to serve unfathomable sinfulness. The ultimate Leader became the “servant of all.” His example, gentlemen, should define your leadership within your home.