Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Exhortations from the Elder:First Peter – 4

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

When Lions Roar
(I Peter 5:8, 9)

The Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago has a tremendous large cat display. Housed in a spacious, echoing hall, the cages boast sleek panthers, wary cheetahs, snarling cougars, and—most popularly—huge African lions. Every so often the normal sounds of human traffic are interrupted by the resinous roar of the king of beasts. The sound is as awesome as it is alarming. It makes you glad for good, old fashioned, American smelted steel bars!

The Bible describes Satan, our adversary, as a roaring lion. He is fierce, intimidating, and hungry. And, unlike his counterpart at the zoo, he is always on the prowl. He “walks to and fro in the earth” (Job 2:2), seeking his next victim. And Christians, Peter warns, need to be aware of his presence.

Peter gives Christians three distinct strategies in dealing with the Devil. First, we’re to be “sober.” It goes without saying that Christians should never be given to intoxicating substances. But, more than that, the word “sober” depicts an attitude of seriousness about life. In other words, we’re to take life—and its threats—seriously.

Also, believers are enjoined to vigilance. We’re to keep our eyes open, being watchful for Satan’s subtle advance. His roar is loud, but his footfall is almost imperceptible. If we’re to see him coming, we must be watchful.

Lastly, Peter tells us to “resist” Satan. The word “resist” simply means to “press back.” In other words, when Satan presses us in temptation, we’re to press back just as hard in resistance. That way, when the lion roars, we will remain safe.