Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Exhortations from the Elder:First Peter – 2

Monday, December 14, 2009

Getters of Grace
(I Peter 5:5-6)

Everyone needs God’s grace. Remember, grace is God’s giving us something good that we don’t deserve. Certainly, we all need some good things from the Lord.

God’s grace is not distributed arbitrarily. If it were, it would be more akin to “luck” than to Biblical grace. For example, unbelievers view fortunate circumstances as “good luck.” Believers should see the hand of God behind unforeseen blessing, declaring every good thing a “grace” sent from God (James 1:17).

Peter instructs us as to how to position ourselves to be the recipients of God’s abundant grace. In verse 5 he states that “God…giveth grace to the humble.” Humility, then, is a prerequisite to receiving God’s grace in abundance. And, according to today’s passage, humility has two directions—horizontal and vertical.

Horizontal humility refers to how I deal with others (5). Rather than being driven by pride, Peter commands the “younger” to submit to the “elder.” Then, lest pride lodge in the gray headed, Peter commands “all” to “be subject one to another.” My attitude is to wear the clothing of humility at all times!

Vertically, humility recognizes the greatness of God and the insignificance of self (6). Vertical humility depends upon God—not talent or personal virtue—for advancement. And vertical humility never fails to recognize the frailty of the human condition.

Humility, both horizontal and vertical, has its reward—the abundant grace of God! And that’s exactly what I need.