Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Exhortations form the Elder:Second Peter – 1

Sunday, December 27, 2009

A More Sure Word
(II Peter 1:17-21)

The Apostles were eyewitnesses to the glory of Christ. He who “made himself of no reputation” gave the inner three a glimpse of His glory on the Mount of Transfiguration. After seeing such a supernatural event, one would think that their faith would forever be settled like the rock of Gibraltar. Peter, however, does not encourage Christians to build their faith upon spectacular occurrences.

Though he mentions his experience with Christ in His transfiguration (17, 18), Peter declares that the “more sure word of prophecy” is the “scripture” (19, 20). You see, scripture trumps experience every time—even legitimate, God given experiences! Experiences—even legitimate ones—can be misleading.

The modern Charismatic movement is an example of such misleading experiences. In an effort to satisfy people’s appetite for the spectacular, charismatic leaders move from one extreme claim to another—ever seeking to outdo the latest sign and wonder by something even more fabulous. Oral Roberts, the now deceased and eminently fraudulent founder of Oral Roberts University, led Charismatic Christians away from the Bible. The focus became Roberts and his revelations—including the claim that the Lord would “kill” him if he failed in his fund raising efforts! Scripture, of course, got lost in the shuffle.

Though Peter had a legitimate claim to a spectacular spiritual experience, he pointed people back to the Bible. Experiences come and go—the Bible forever remains. Experiences may have questionable origins; the Bible came from God (21). Remember, the only “sure word” is NOT what happened to you; it’s what God says in the Bible.