Friday, November 6, 2009

The Sermon on the Mount:Powerful Preaching 3

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Your Heavenly Father Knoweth
(Matthew 6:24-32)

Nineteen years ago today, Kelli and I were married. (Kelli, happy anniversary!) I was already a senior pastor when we were married, so Kelli knew “up front” what she was getting into! During our very romantic courtship, I explained to her the rigors of Christian ministry and my personal commitment to the Lord. Love for the Lord, I explained, meant personal sacrifice. In short, sometimes things were “tight” financially.

My first salary was a whopping $75.00 per week, later adjusted to $250.00. We had a nice parsonage in which to live, but the budget didn’t have much wiggle room. Frequently, I would do odd jobs to make ends meet. (I became good at roofing, painting dumpsters, and janitorial work.) Though we were not rich, amazingly, we never had any need that was not supplied. And I don’t recall ever worrying over money.

Jesus taught that the necessities of life should be of little concern to dedicated believers. God will take care of these things. No, He didn’t drop food from the sky for Kelli and me; but He did provide me with opportunities to work. He demonstrated Himself faithful in timely gifts from church members and two-for-one frying chickens at the local Food Lion. Time and again we witnessed His provision. (Like the time I coasted into the gas station just as the car ran out of gas!)

Just coincidences? No! Jesus said God knows we need “all these things,” and He has promised to take care of His own(32). What a wonderful life it has been!