Friday, November 6, 2009

The Sermon on the Mount:Powerful Preaching – 2

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Light of the Body
(Matthew 6:22-23)

Mother used to tell us that when we talk to folks, we should “look them square in the eye.” Though staring is considered impolite, there is wisdom in looking a man in the eye when you speak to him. There’s something about the eye that either projects sincerity or betrays falsehood. The eye, it seems, is a window to the soul. Jacob, you will remember, was less attracted to Leah because she was “tender eyed” and Rachel’s eyes, apparently, had the sparkle he liked (Gen. 29:17). Beauty is in both the eye of the beholder and in the eye of the one being beheld!

The single eye is the eye that sees clearly. In other words, those with clear vision of the holiness of God find themselves filled with His light. The light and darkness motif is used frequently in Scripture to denote moral goodness and evil. When one sees things clearly from God’s perspective, his life will be filled with and will radiate the glory of God.

On the other hand, if one is blind to the holiness of God, his life will be filled with darkness. If one’s vision of God is blurred or clouded—so that there’s a mixture of light and darkness—Jesus said such sight is, in reality, “great darkness.” Certainly, one’s view of God matters. And the only way to have a clear view of God is to meet Him in the Scriptures.

The true encounter with God fills the life with light and the eye with radiance (Ex. 34:29). And, once your life is filled with God’s light, it’s bound to shine forth in that twinkle in your eye!