Friday, November 6, 2009

The Sermon on the Mount:Powerful Preaching - 1

Sunday, November 8, 2009

(Matthew 6:19-21)

We emphasize what we value. Important things are always emphasized things. For example, if a man’s job is important to him, it will be obvious by his dedication of time and talents to his work. When family is truly a priority, a man will carve out time specifically for his wife and children.

For too many in American culture, money has become the chief priority. Most people would not admit to giving money such a priority, but their dedication to its pursuit betrays their loyalties. Riches and materialism can be both subtle and deceptive. Some men justify their obsession for wealth by claiming to be “good providers.” Provision, however, is more than physical things.

Jesus warned about storing excessive treasures on earth. He was not saying that one should not have a savings account. He was saying that excessive storing of treasure, along with a continued emphasis upon getting more, is wasteful. Ultimately, treasure stored up on earth will one day be gone. That savings account will be depleted; that 401 K will be empty. That account will be closed. The dissipation of wealth, like death, is inevitable.

That’s why Jesus emphasized storing up treasures in heaven—living for eternity and not this world. Spiritual Christians understand that this life is an opportunity to invest for the next. Investment activities include serving others (Mt. 10:42), giving of your resources to those who have need (Eph. 4:28), and winning souls to Christ (Jn. 15:8). Let’s start making wise investments in the things that really matter!