Friday, November 13, 2009

The Sermon on the Mount:Epic Messages – 5

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Sure Foundation
(Matthew 7:24-27)

There is security in obeying the teaching of Scripture. Much of Christian counseling involves correcting unscriptural behavior and attitudes while seeking to promote simple Bible principles in the lives of believers. Most of the messes encountered by Christian counselors would never have occurred had the counselees simply obeyed the Bible. It should be obvious; but somehow—for some folks—it is not.

Jesus said that obedience to Him could be likened to building on a solid foundation. Recently, my older brother began construction on his lake home in northern Minnesota. He is building on a rocky point overlooking Eagles’ Nest Lake. In order to install the foundation, it was necessary to dynamite through several feet of ancient rock. Now that the foundation is in—established firmly upon the rock—the superstructure will be secure. When one builds his life on the solid foundation of obedience to Christ, the superstructure of life is secure.

Many, however, opt for building upon sand—worldly philosophies and hedonistic impulses. In many ways, building on sand is easier. It is, however, not permanent. Those who ignore Jesus’ teaching—either through ignorance or willingly—soon come to realize the tawdry quality of their lives. And, when storms come (as they always do), they find everything swept away in an instant. The collapse comes with devastating and collateral consequences to marriage and children—sometimes for generations. The easy way, they find, is rarely the best way. And life on the beach isn’t what it’s cracked up to be!