Friday, October 16, 2009

The Sermon on the Mount:The Beatitudes – 3

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Meek
(Matthew 5:5)

I have often described our day as the “age of rage.” It seems that many people live right on the edge of out-of-control anger. Too many times good behavior gives way to passion-driven outrage, frequently directed a strangers under the slightest provocation. “He who yells loudest wins!” seems to be the rule of life for many in our day.

Jesus never extolled abrupt, obnoxious behavior driven by the heat of passion. Though the world lionizes brash, rude, and arrogant individuals, the Lord condemns such behavior. The ideas of “scratching your way to the top” or “climbing over others on your way up” is foreign to genuine Christianity. In fact, Jesus warned, “the first shall be last” (Mt. 19:30).

Who will be the real winners in the end? Jesus answered that question simply and succinctly: The meek. Meek people are not weak, whipped-puppy people. Meek people are those who know how to control themselves—their tongues, their anger, their emotions, their passions. Meek people often possess great force of personality and tremendous personal authority. Consider Moses, for example. He was a man of strong character, dominant personality, and high leadership responsibility. Yet, he is described as the meekest of men (Num. 12:3).

Meekness betrays itself in self-control, personal restraint, and measured responses. And, while the meek may not make it to the top of the corporate ladder by imitating Donald Trump, Jesus promised they will do far better: They will inherit the earth!