Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Psalmist Sings:Psalm 19

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Nature’s Language

The word nature in reference to God’s creation has unfortunately acquired a meaning separate from God. The modern “tree-hugger” views “mother nature” as a pagan goddess, complete with a theology: evolution. Christians, of course, reject such notions. Nature properly understood, however, should be delight of every believer.

While in Christian high school, I took several art courses. Though not particularly gifted as an artist, I did learn methods of detailed observation. The teacher’s motto, emblazoned across the front of the classroom was, “Train Your Eyes to See What God has Created.” That admonition has stayed with me down through the years, reminding me to pause to smell the roses along life’s pathway.

Doubtless the Psalmist would have concurred with the classroom motto. David, an outdoorsman and poet, understood that the created order is not only beautiful; but it speaks to us of God as well. In fact, David argues that the testimony of God in His creation speaks to man in a universal language (3). Regardless of his culture, education, or religious training, man can know something of God through His creation.

As compelling as is creation, however, observation of God in nature is not enough to save the soul. Salvation requires a more advanced revelation of God: His Word (7). When believers mesh their appreciation of God’s created handiwork with the revelation of God’s person in Scripture, the majesty of God begins to unfold like never before!