Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Psalmist Sings:Psalm 31

Thursday, October 15, 2009

My Times—God’s Hands

Throughout his frequently turbulent life, David maintained unshakable confidence in God. In fact, David testified that God knew him intimately “in adversities” (7). And it was certainly “in adversities” that David came to trust—and to know—God.

Sometimes David had trouble with people. He felt the heat of King Saul’s anger and depression. His spirit died as his son Absalom rose up in rebellion. He blushed in shame when Nathan confronted him with his own sinful escapade. Yes, David knew troubled relationships. He had difficulties with people sometimes; and so do we.

It appears from the Psalm before us that David was especially grieved with unrelenting slander that had been leveled against him by his enemies. Apparently the office of King had not inoculated him against the sting of criticism and gossip (11-13). As a tender soul, David took to heart the things others were saying about him.

How did David respond to “slander?” Did he plaster self-defense all over his facebook page? The simple answer is “no!” In the midst of unjust accusation, vicious gossip, and filthy slander, David trusted God (14). Ultimately, he acknowledged to God, “My times are in thy hand.” In other words, David knew that every circumstance—even unkind words and unsubstantiated gossip—were under God’s control. Mark this carefully: God is not the author of such sin. He is, however, aware of it; and He sovereignly works all things according to his will. How should you respond when unjustly accused and slandered? Trust God, believing He will work it all out.