Friday, September 25, 2009

A Survey of Psalms – 6

Friday, October 2, 2009

(Psalm 15)

Events of recent days have shaken up Americans. Liberals rejoice at the ongoing socialist revolution spawned by last November’s election, while conservatives shudder at the high cost of Marxist-flavored change. (If you don’t like that last sentence, write your own devotional!) The point is, like it or not, America has been shaken to her very foundations—and the tremors continue to reverberate from Washington.

Given the circumstances, what is the hope for Bible-believing Christians? The Psalmist not only gives hope, but he makes a promise at the end of Psalm 15—“He that doeth these things shall never be moved” (5). In other words, Christians need never get “shook up” over circumstances—whether personal or national.

Note, however, that there is a qualification to the promise. One must be doing certain things to offset the tremors of life. The Psalmist gives a list of both positive and negative commands that, once implemented, can earthquake proof your life (2-5). The list includes such basics as embracing inner righteousness, guarding your speech, being careful about whom you admire, and refusing to take advantage of people. Examine these commands in detail to see if you’re walking in obedience.

Following the general outline of right principles in Psalm 15 earthquake proofs your life because they lift you above the tremors and into the presence of the Lord (1). My abiding in His tabernacle as I walk this earth depends upon obedience to Him. Only obedience to Biblical principles can place me on the unshakable ground of the very dwelling place of God!