Thursday, September 10, 2009

Paul’s Letter to the Colossians – 6

Friday, September 18, 2009

Complete in Christ
(Colossians 2:8-13)

Remembering the false dualism taught by Gnosticism (physical = evil; spiritual = good), Paul declared that all the “fullness” of God dwelled “bodily” in Christ (9). In other words, the eternal God took upon Himself human flesh! Paul’s teaching was not an insignificant point of doctrine open for discussion and debate. In fact, the remaining verses in Paul’s argument emphasize the essential nature of our identification with Christ as the God-man.

Paul states that believers are “circumcised” in Christ. Remember, circumcision in the Old Testament symbolized a Jew’s separation to God and His covenant. In Christ, believers are counted “circumcised,” separated from sin to God (11).

In addition, Christians are said to be “buried with him in baptism” (12). Water baptism symbolizes our faith-identification with Christ in His death and burial. Obviously, only complete immersion in water accomplishes such identification.

Thirdly, Christians identify with Christ in His resurrection. Again, this identification is “through the faith of the operation of God,” and is symbolized as the believer is brought up and out of the watery grave of baptism. Thus, baptism beautifully pictures our death with Christ, our resurrection with Christ, and our new life with Him (13).

The church does not need a new and improved philosophy! What’s needed is a renewed emphasis on new life through Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. The simple Gospel is our timeless message!