Friday, September 25, 2009

A Survey of Psalms – 1

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Success: A Pathway and Promise
(Psalm 1)

The Book of Psalms (the Hebrew Hymnal) covers the whole gamut of human emotion—from the heights of ethereal joy to the depths of near complete despair, and everything in between. How fitting, then, that such a book should begin with inspired instruction for blessedness in life.

Note that the Psalmist uses the word blessed rather than happy (1). Anyone can be happy, and most people experience some happiness from time to time. Happiness is a common, typically human emotion. Blessedness, on the other hand, is something far different. While happiness is based on positive happenings, blessedness originates with God. Happy people are happy because of happenings that happen to happen to them! (Think that through for a while!) Blessed people experience blessedness from God Himself, not circumstances.

Practically speaking, how can one know the blessedness that comes only from God? The Psalmist gives the answer in five clear directives:
1. Don’t take life-directive advice from ungodly men (1).
2. Do not closely associate with unsaved people (1b).
3. Do not be a scorner—a critic or cynic (1c).
4. Delight in God’s Word, the Bible (2)
5. Meditate (think intently upon) God’s Word throughout the day (2b).
What about you today? Are you on the path to blessedness? Remember, there’s nothing particularly divine in happiness; but blessedness comes directly from God in response to our obedience.