Friday, March 6, 2009

Motivating Gospel Work - 4

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Crowns of Rejoicing
(I Thess. 2:13-20)

Folks sometimes struggle with motivation. Take, for example, dedication to regular exercise. That takes real commitment—willingness to get up early (in most cases), determination to be consistent, and inspiration to put forth arduous exertion. Sticking with an exercise program requires motivation. For some, appearance is the driving force; for others, health concerns have forced them into the gym. Whatever the reason, motivation keeps them going.

It’s exactly the same in the Christian life. Every believer needs to be motivated to consistent service for Christ, especially in the area of soulwinning. Our motive, Paul tells us, is eternal rewards. Paul calls them “crowns” (19). In fact, our passage for today tells us about a “soulwinner’s crown” that will be awarded at the judgment seat of Christ. Specifically, every soul who stands in the presence of Christ at His coming constitutes a crown for the Christian who put forth the effort to win him to Christ.

And, remember, it’s not just the one who won the soul to Christ who will be rewarded. Paul assures us that everyone who had a part in the salvation of a soul—whether by planting Gospel seed, consistent Christian testimony or generous giving—will receive a reward (I Cor. 3:5-9). Who will be your “crown of rejoicing” at the coming of Christ?