Friday, March 6, 2009

Motivating Gospel Work - 1

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Eternal Damnation
(Revelation 20:7-15)

The fearful prospect of Hell should make personal soulwinning a top priority in our lives. Sometimes even dedicated Christians tend to suppress thoughts of God’s judgment and the sufferings of the damned. If, however, we truly believe that lost people will burn forever in a “lake of fire,” we should think about it enough to propel us to action.

Some few years ago, a major news magazine carried an article entitled “The Disappearance of Hell.” The writer concluded that Hell is no longer a reality to most people because preachers—even “evangelical” preachers—rarely mention its existence. It seems, claimed the article, that mega churches are too busy dishing up pop psychology, fare that does not mesh well with “Hell-fire and brimstone” preaching.

Since Jesus spoke passionately about Hell, believers should affirm its existence and warn the lost of its consequences. “Scare tactics?” you say. Yes, sometimes fear can be a wonderful motivation to make a decision or change a course of action. If consequences for unbelief are scary (and they are), believers ought to trumpet a warning. Just as we speak of Jesus’ love, so we should speak of God’s awful wrath.

Why witness? Why win souls? Why lovingly confront. Here’s at least one good reason: People who die without Christ will spend an eternity writhing in the lake of fire. They will consciously burn for all eternity with no hope of any relief whatsoever. Now that’s motivation!