Friday, August 28, 2009

Paul’s Letter to the Philippians - 2

Monday, August 31, 2009

Opportunity Abounds!
(Philippians 1:12-19)

It would have been natural for Paul to view his imprisonment as an impediment to the Gospel. After all, wouldn’t the great apostle’s time be better spent in an active teaching, preaching, and church-planting ministry? Under the same circumstances, most of us would have been impatient for release—believing it the key to a fruitful ministry.

Paul, however, viewed his imprisonment as an opportunity to preach Christ (12). His circumstances had given him the opportunity to witness for Christ before kings and magistrates—opportunities which would not be known under normal conditions. Paul saw the circumstances of life as open doors for the Gospel.

He also viewed his circumstances as an opportunity to inspire (14). Paul knew that his grace under pressure would embolden others to testify for Christ, regardless of consequences. Paul knew that courage is best kindled by example. Though Paul was in prison, his fearless example vanquished fear in the hearts of others (14).

Interestingly, Paul was aware that not everyone so emboldened to preach Christ did so out of pure motives. Some of Paul’s detractors within the church were jealous of his giftedness and apostolic authority. Their “preaching” sought to undermine Paul’s authority and to promote themselves (15, 16). These detractors, however, were apparently still true to the essentials of the Gospel. Did Paul feel his position threatened? No! He simply rejoiced that Christ was being preached (even by his critics) while he was temporarily indisposed (18). What marvelous Christian grace!