Friday, August 21, 2009

Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians – 9

Monday, August 24, 2009

Growing Up in Church
(Ephesians 4:13-16)

Folks who grew up in the home of faithful Christian parents frequently describe their childhood as “growing up in church.” They were present “every time the doors were open” and sometimes when they were closed! Age, however, does not indicate maturity. God’s intention is not only for us to age in church, but that we also mature spiritually as a result of our affiliation.

Gifted spiritual leaders within the church are to promote “the unity of the faith” and “knowledge of the Son of God” with a goal of maturing the members, ultimately seeing that everyone “measure up” to Christ (13).

Such maturity manifests itself in doctrinal stability. Mature believers are firmly grounded on the Word of God, and they are not easily swayed by every “snake-oil show” that comes to town.

In addition, maturity reveals itself in one’s approach to ministry. The Christ-like believer never shies away from the truth, but is careful to cloak truth in love and compassion—preaching and teaching with a tear in the eye, so to speak.

Ultimately, maturity presents itself in the unified functioning of the local church. Make no mistake about it: disunity within the church is always a mark of immaturity and un-Christ-like behavior. Maturity, on the other hand, functions like a well-oiled machine. As the machine functions, the church prospers—an “increase of the body” is evident. As it grows larger, it also grows deeper, “edifying…itself in love” (16).