Friday, February 5, 2010

The Epic Tragedy: King Saul I Samuel – 2

Monday, February 8, 2010

Divine Whispers
(I Samuel 9:11-17)

God speaks in a still, small voice (I Kings 19:12). Those who would listen to God must be attentive to His gentle approach. Too often the din of this world and the inner cacophony of crisis conspire to mute the whisperings of God. Samuel, however, kept his ear acutely attuned to God’s subtle voice.

Saul, seeking his father’s donkeys, had decided to engage the help of a “seer,” a prophet. He had no idea that, in meeting Samuel, the course of his life would be altered forever. As he walked through the crowd of worshippers, he did not sense the leading of sovereign providence; he did not understand the significance of each step. But Samuel knew.

The Lord had whispered in Samuel’s ear the importance of the day’s events—down to the moment he would meet Saul (15). Upon seeing the imposing visitor, the Lord assured Samuel with the words, “Behold, the man whom I spake to thee of” (17 ). Samuel, ever attentive to the whisperings of God, knew Saul was the man—Israel’s first king!

We, too, should be sensitive to the whisperings of the Lord. Scripture is the inspired whispering of God. And, as we read its pages, the Holy Spirit impresses upon our hearts precise instructions for the need of the hour. The answers we need are always just a whisper away; but we must take the time to listen.

Too many things vie for our immediate attention. Cell phones beep, ring, sing and alert; computers incessantly inform us, “You have new mail.” Background noise sometimes eliminates God’s still, small voice. Perhaps it’s time to pull the plug, get alone with your Bible, and listen for the whisperings of God.