Wednesday, March 10, 2010

David: Young Hero, Future King I Samuel – 4

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Not What We Were Expecting
(I Samuel 16:6-11)

God’s ways are not man’s ways, and often God’s choices do not fit with man’s preconceived notions. In fact, God seems to delight in surprising man by His contrary choices. For example, one would expect the King of Kings to be born in a palace; God choose a lowly stable. One would expect an Apostle to enjoy universal prestige; Paul suffered almost universal contempt. One would expect the Messiah’s forerunner to be a man of culture and refinement; God sent John the Baptist.

It was only natural for Samuel to be drawn to Eliab (6). He seemed like good king material! He was tall and strikingly handsome. Perhaps Samuel was familiar with his winsome personality and charismatic leadership traits. Whatever the reason, the Prophet thought he had discovered the Lord’s anointed at first glance.

Contrary to what he was expecting, the Lord instructed Samuel to pass by the venerable Eliab (7). Jesse, disappointed that Eliab was not the man, brought forward another of his favorite sons, Abinadab. He, too, was rejected. Perhaps the athletic Shammah was the chosen one? No, Samuel passed over him as well. One by one, the prophet examined Jesse’s sons; and one by one the Lord told Samuel to pass them up. Frustrated, Samuel asked Jesse if he had any more sons. Hesitantly, Jesse mentioned the youngest, little David the shepherd boy. And the Holy Spirit whispered to Samuel, “That’s God’s man.”

God, you see, doesn’t make judgments using human criteria. God looks upon the heart (7). And sometimes God’s choices surprise us. Our lesson: Don’t limit God. Remember, His choices are best—and often what we least expect.